
What types of dashboards are available for me?

For each account, there are 5 different dashboards.

  • 1. Account Dashboard: This dashboard summarizes key metrics of your account which include accurate numbers of events, speakers, sponsors, emails sent, hours saved, and many others.

  • 2. Event Dashboard: This dashboard is specific to each event and summarizes key metrics for that event. Additional information is also summarized for a quick view of the event status.

  • 3. Speaker Dashboard: This dashboard provides key metrics related to the Speaker section of your event. You also can view the latest communications sent and their performance as well as gaps in profiles.

  • 4. Sponsor Dashboard: This dashboard provides key metrics related to the Sponsor section of your event. You also can view the latest communications sent and their performance as well as gaps in profiles.

  • 5. Master Dashboard: This dashboard provides key metrics related to the Master section of your event. You also can view the latest communications sent and their performance as well as gaps in profiles.

What information is available in my Account Dashboard?

The account dashboard gives you a top-level comprehensive list of all the information related to your account. This provides a quick overview or your overall event status. This includes information on the total number of:

  • 1. Active Events
  • 2. Speakers in your account (from all events)
  • 3. Sponsors in your account (from all events)
  • 4. Emails sent from your account to-date
  • 5. Time saved by using the Speaker Engage Solution
  • 6. Contacts in your account (from all events)
  • 7. Storage used in your account (from all events)
  • 8. Emails sent suring the current month

What information is available in my Event Dashboard?

Each event has its own dashboard so you can get a quick assessment on the state of your event. The information provided is:

  • 1. Event infromation (name, date and location)
  • 2. Event external pages: provides you quick access to the available external pages and their URLs.
  • 3. Quick actions are links to give you a faster navigation to the most frequently used action items.
  • 4. Speaker, sponsor, and master dashboards: These are static dashboards aggregated to give you a glimpse of the status of your event.

What information is available in my Speaker Dashboard?

The Speaker Dashboard gives you at-a-glance information pertaining to speaker management. The top portion of the dashborad is a quick summary of all information. You can also review speaker allocation based on their role. There is also a list of recent scheduled and sent emails. The bottom part of the dashboard is a summary of profile gaps of the speakers associated to this event:

  • 1. Speaker status (approved, declined, and in contract)
  • 2. Emails sent/opened
  • 3. Influencer classification
  • 4. Speaking opportunity classification
  • 5. Recent and scheduled communications
  • 6. Missing profile information

What information is available in my Sponsor Dashboard?

The sponsor dashboard gives you at-a-glance information pertaining to sponsor management. The top portion of the dashborad is a quick summary of all information. You can also review sponsor status based on their role. There is also a list of recent scheduled and sent emails. The bottom part of the dashboard is a summary of profile gaps of the sponsors associated to this event:

  • 1. Sponsor status (secured, not ready, and in the pipeline)
  • 2. Emails sent/opened
  • 3. Potential funding
  • 4. Committed funding
  • 5. Sponsor opportunity classification
  • 6. Recent and scheduled communications
  • 7. Missing profile information

What information is available in my Master Dashboard?

The master list is the overall contact list that you can use for all your communication. The Master Dashboard gives a view of the master list and includes information on:

  • 1. Total contacts
  • 2. Emails sent/opened
  • 3. Master opportunity classification
  • 4. Recent and scheduled communications
  • 5. Missing profile information

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Speaker Engage™ is a fully-integrated, cloud-based platform, designed by event organizers for event organizers who want to curate and delight speakers & sponsors by removing the chaos from event execution.

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